Decrease Our Water Needs - Water Conservation
Water & Food
Some Numbers
Saving Water
Tips & Tricks - How to Decrease Our Water Needs
Turn off the tap while cleaning your teeth and save up to 25 gallons a month.

Toilet tanks contain between 1.5 and 5 gallons of drinking water, between the most recent and the oldest installations.

Turn off the water while you shave and save up to 300 gallons a month.

Take a short shower rather than a bath saves up to 100 gallons a week.

Fixing a dripping tap saves up to 25 gallons a week.

Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap.

Don't overfill the kettle when making tea, only fill and boil what you need and save money and energy.

Only run the washing machine and the dishwasher on full load, save water and energy.

For cold drinks keep a pitcher of water in the fridge instead of running the tap, this way every drop goes down you and not the drain.

Fill a 2l soda bottle with water, close it and install it in your cistern's toilet, you'll save 2 liters every time you flush.

Use the water from the dryer's tank to water your plants rather that throwing it down the sink.

Collect rain water for watering your garden and use mulch to help the soil retains water, you won't have to water as often.

Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when temperature are cooler to minimize evaporation.

Check for home leaks once in a while, hidden leaks can be wasting water without you being aware of it.
Read your water meter, don't use water for a couple of hours then go back to the meter to check what the meter shows.
If you have the exact same numbers you're OK if not there is a leak somewhere!

Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and save water each time.

If your shower fills a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, replace the shower head with a water-efficient model.

Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse it to water houseplants.

Before watering you lawn, check the root zone for moisture using a spade or trowel. If it's still moist two inches under the soil surface, there is still enough water.

Shorten you shower by a minute of two and you'll save up to 150 gallons per month.

Adjust your lawn mower to higher setting. A taller lawn shades roots and holds soil moisture better than if it is closely clipped.

When cleaning out fish tanks, give the nutrient-rich water to your plants.

Put food coloring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a leak. Fixing it can save up to 1000 gallons a month.

Walkways and patios provide space that doesn't ever need to be watered. These usefull "rooms" can also add value to your property.

Install a rain sensor on your irrigation controller so your system wont't run when it's raining.

Don't use running water to thaw food. Defrost food in the refrigerator for water efficiency and food safety. This will keep your fridge temperature down too thus saving energy.

Encourage your school system and local government to develop and promote water conservation among children and adults.

Set a kitchen timer when watering your lawn or garden to remind you when to stop.

A running hose can discharge up to 10 gallons a minute.

Install an instant water heater near you kitchen sink so you don't have to run the water while it heats up.

When you save water, you save money on your utility bills too. Saving water is easy for everyone to do.

Bathe your young children together.

Insulate hot water pipes for more immediate hot water at the faucet and for energy savings.

Drop your tissue in the trash instead of flushing it and save water every time.

Make suggestions to your employer about ways to save water and money at work.

Washing dark clothes in cold water saves both on water and energy while it helps your clothes to keep their colors.

Use sprinklers that deliver big drops of water. Smaller water drops and mist often evaporate before they hit the ground.

Turn off the water while you wash your hair to save up to 150 gallons a month.

If you accidentally drop ice cubes when filling your glass, don't throw them in the sink. Drop them in a house plant instead.

Keep a bucket in the shower to catch water as it warms up or runs. Use this water to flush toilets or water plants.

When you are washing your hands, don't let the water run while you lather.

Potato cooking water is a free ecological herbicide. Pour it down your driveway and alleys, it is an excellent biological alternative.
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